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In the beginning there was darkness and all was still. From within the darkness a light emerged and birthed a great expanse. New stars shone. New moons glowed. New planets abound. Among these creations sat one world in distinction from others. It was not distinct by virtue of its richness in natural resources, although it was rich. It was not different because of its enormous size, although it was enormous. It was not unique because of its containment of life, although life it did contain. Its distinction was held by the variety of intelligent life forms that emerged through differing species, the inimitable aptitudes that each possessed, and the unique supernatural connection that races developed with their empowering source of wonder. For all wonders are sacred. Life without wonder is life without light. For all wonder was made by light. All light came from darkness by birth. So as it came it shall return, but until that time we give you Irth.
The intelligent species that covered Irth were varied and many but humans had become the dominant race throughout the land. Other intelligent species remained disorganized and scattered. A great plague fell on the planet affecting all life forms. The non-human species fled into hiding as their susceptibility to the plague in open air was greater than that of humans. The highly intelligent non-humans currently remain in hiding waiting for a safe time to emerge again. Although the plague has long since passed and its aftermath but a faint recollection through distorted myths, fear keeps the highly intelligent non-human races in seclusion. This is not so for non-humans of lower intelligence.
Beasts of all sorts roam the surface of Irth. While some are tame, most are not. Some graze the feral plains. Some lurk within the swamps. Some roam the mountainous terrain. Some soar in open sky. Some prowl deep within the forest. Some dwell inside the caves. Some thrive below the surface. Some lie in wait beneath the still waters and others beneath the waves. Some prey upon the unsuspecting. Some attack their enemies straight away. Therefore, travelers outside city limits have learned to proceed with caution unless imminent combat is their game.
The original human race was united and made home in the city which today is known as Avaria where ancient ruins of the primitive people remain. As the plague reached epidemic levels the humans shunned away the infected victims and they were forced out of the community to the vile uninhabitable southeastern lands of poisonous swamp. This race had become known as The Morbus for their presence was unsightly and their fate was thought to be futile. The Morbus currently occupy the southeast region of Irth referred to as Morbia. They named their main city Teblum Fen which when translated means Sanctuary of the Swamp.
The heart of the plague was in the center of the city. Any human who remained in the city for an extended period of time would meet dire consequence and impending death. Those who lived on the southern outskirts of the city had no choice but to flee south away from the plague. They followed the flow of lava from an erupting volcano and became known as The Mezoteks. The region of Irth they occupy is currently called Mezzo. They named their main city Ferrum Forge which when translated means The Creation of Iron, Swords and Arms.
Those who made home on the outskirts north of the city traveled north to escape the plague. They had followed streams of flowing waters and fountain springs and had become known as The Arcadians. They currently occupy the northern region of Irth called Arcadia. They named their main city Fountain Head for they were led by the power of fountains.
The Morbus spent generations of living in despicable and depraved conditions and developed immunity to their environment through a molecular physiological change in their genetic constitution. They hold their human ancestry and all contemporary human races in contempt as a result of their alienation and quarantine. Their physical appearance is hideous and grotesque. It was the resulting effect of the original plague, the harsh environment and the consequence of heritable mutation. It is beyond comprehension that this race could have survived through generations of intolerable conditions. They believe that their lives were spared only by the grace of deity found in a natural wonder that marks the gateway to their surrounding territory. The natural wonder spews out poisonous gases and toxic fluids and has become an icon of interest by all other human races. The Morbus have constructed a shrine at this natural wonder and offer sacrifices there for sustaining power. The Morbus are in great need of the resources found in other territories. However, they control a territory that is rich in resources to produce poisons, antidotes, and toxic chemicals. They have intent to become the dominant of all races. They are a vengeful race that seeks retribution for their alienation. They will stop at nothing to extinguish the other races. Their efforts will be unyielding until they conquer and control as much landmass as possible.
The Mezoteks found a great erupting volcano on the south side of Avaria. As the volcano erupted it created a flow of lava that the Mezotek people followed. It was thought that a deity lay in the flow of the lava which was leading them to safety. The lava flow traveled the length of the land and rested at the edge of the seashore. Across the horizon were a series of islands. One island was graced with yet another volcano. The volcano erupted and its flow of lava stretched across the sea. As the lava was cooled by the sea waters it created a path that led them to an isolated island where they remained for generations. Tide and erosion eliminated the lava pathway to the mainland. On the island they developed a culture of volcano worship. They were good record keepers and created scriptures and rituals. The mainland and their common roots with other races had become but a brief mention in their ancient scrolls and scriptures. After many generations had passed the island volcano erupted once more and the flow of lava again stretched across the sea and led the people back to the mainland. As they migrated north they came across Mt. Lavesh which they had known from their scriptures. Mt. Lavesh was thought to be the home of their deity because of its enormous size and its legend of leading them from plague. When the Mezoteks came to this holy place they found The Arcadian people mining in the side of Lavesh, for the mountain was rich in mineral deposits. The Mezotek people saw this as a deplorable and unforgivable act. They viewed this as an attack upon their deity and savior. The Mezoteks slaughtered the Arcadians that were mining there and offered their corpses as a sacrifice to Lavesh by dropping the spoils into the hot molten lava at the mouth of the volcano. The Mezoteks then made a pact to destroy every living Arcadian for their lack of respect to the deity of Lavesh. The Mezoteks hated The Morbus as well. They were thought of as vile creatures of stench and decay not fit to live in harmony with the higher classes. They believed that The Morbus defiled anything and everything that they came in contact with. The Mezoteks built a shrine near the wonder of Lavesh and offered sacrifices there for sustaining power. The Mezoteks were lacking in select resources but they found this forgotten land rich in strong metals and valuable crystals of enchantment. Unfortunately The Mezoteks needed the Poisons, antidotes and chemicals that The Morbus controlled. They also needed herbs, clean waters, and hard woods that the Arcadians controlled. Both these opposing human races were detested by The Mezoteks. One was vile the other disrespectful to their deity and both controlled resources that they desperately needed. The Mezoteks made a quest to seek revenge and to control all resources. It would only be accomplished if The Morbus and The Arcadians were completely exterminated and control over the land would be entirely their own.
As The Arcadians migrated north away from the plague they found a great fountain spring and pools of crystal clean waters which surrounded its base. The waters were so clean that clarity was not tainted by its significant depth. The Arcadians immersed themselves in the great fountain pool in order to be cleansed of possible infection from plague. The waters were thought to have healing qualities as not one Arcadian would ever fall to plague after washing in the great pool. They believed that a deity was within this great pool and it beckoned to them in order that they would be saved as the chosen race. They built a shrine at this Fount of Wonder and offered sacrifices at its base for sustaining power. The Arcadians followed running streams and rivers further to the north that fed the Fountain pool. They considered this holy land as it was the source of streaming waters that led to the power and wonder of the great Fount. The Arcadians settled in the North Country and built a thriving community. The Arcadians would visit their natural wonder often. On one occasion as they approached the wonder, they witnessed a bloody battle between The Mezoteks and The Morbus. The Mezoteks had brutally massacred The Morbus and threw their wretched stank filled corpses in the pool at the Fount of Wonder. The Arcadians were horrified by The Mezoteks heinous act as they watched the purity and healing power of the Fount of Wonder become defiled and infected with the sickened corpses of The Morbus. The Arcadians with no hesitation raced to the wonder and a battle ensued. Not one Mezotek at the battle site remained standing from the brutal unrelenting Arcadian attack. The Morbus were then removed from the great pool. The Arcadians then offered both Morbus and Mezotek casualties as sacrifices to the Great Fount of Wonder. The Arcadians then developed a great hatred for the Mezoteks for they held their deity in such disregard. They also detested the Morbus for they defiled their sacred pool and were thought of as a sub-human race not suitable to share in the dignity due the higher races. The Arcadian waters were pure and clean. Their forests were ample with hard woods, and their landscape flourished with wild herbs. Unfortunately they needed the resources controlled in other territories. They needed the poisons, antidotes, and chemicals from the Morbus. They also needed the strong metals and crystals of enchantment from the Mezoteks. The only way in which they could control these resources was to terminate the other races which they loathed and held in abomination. Until these alien populations could be successfully eliminated they were forced to find other means to acquire these valuable resources.
Avaria remained ruins for centuries with only remnants of an ancient people long since passed. Except for the selective text of Mezotek Scripture which was written to favor their own race, common human ancestry was not held in high regard. Ideological differences in religion, the quest for control, and the hatred of alien races led from one bloody battle to another. Many suffered. There were many casualties. Life was tempestuous and frightening with little hope for many who desired to live a peaceful and fruitful life. Select individuals from all three cultures began to lack in faith. They did not agree with their cultures ideological teachings and desired a better life of serenity and economic prosperity. Therefore individuals from all three human races began to migrate to the ancient city and established a secular culture. They named it Avaria for they were an avarice people who prioritized financial prominence. Avaria occupies parts of all three regions yet has established independence as a sovereign city. The Avarians are always at peace. They will not engage in battle with other races. The landscape of Avaria was influenced from all the migrating cultures. The architecture reflects the native buildings of the immigrants who came. Some buildings reflect combinations of influence from different regions. All buildings exist among the ancient ruins. Although the Avarians held the notion of religious freedom, their true deity had become secularism. Their worship had become greed, the making of money, and the acquisition of wealth beyond reason. The hatred among the pure races made trade with each other difficult. The Avarians became the middlemen. They were a safe haven for all races. The Avarians would purchase resources from all territories and sell to any who was in need of those resources. Consequently they became an economic superpower and controlled the world economy. Only Avarian currency is accepted worldwide. All commercial trade takes place in Avaria. While the Avarians consider themselves peaceful because they do not typically engage in combat with the others races, this is far from the truth. They are passive aggressive. They conduct commerce only for profit and do not consider the consequence of financial transactions. They have few scruples. They will in good conscience sell two enemies exactly what they need in order that they can mutilate and destroy each other. They can control the balance of power by controlling economic conditions. They value profit over life, money over integrity, wealth over morality, possessions over nobility, convenience over affiliations, greed over honor, prosperity over charity, and ultimate economic power over humanitarian concerns. As all pure races have their natural wonders where they find a deity, The Avarians have a secular system and have named their banking system the Wonder of Commerce. This is insulting to the other races as it trivializes their deities. All races hate the Avarians for their economic might but they cannot harm them. All races need the Avarians for without them their individual economies would collapse.
Each race has established contempt for each other fueled by ideological differences. The Morbus remain inherently vengeful which originated from their initial banishment and subsequent horrific mutations. The Mezoteks and Arcadians seek revenge on each other for the transgressions directed toward their deities. Both The Mezoteks and The Arcadians are repulsed by the sheer offensive presence of The Morbus. All three pure races desire to control resources in other territories by battle and conquering landmass. The pure races hate but cannot harm the Avarians who maintain an economic stronghold on all inhabitants of Irth. All hold their unique and powerful wonders as a source of strength. Each race is jealous of wonders that are not their own. If one race can capture control of anothers wonder it is thought that the associated race would suffer, the victors would be enhanced, and their conquest will make way for racial dominance. Therefore, capturing a wonder is a main concern for all of the pure races. For all wonders are sacred. Life without wonder is life without light. For all wonder was made by light. All light came from darkness by birth. So as it came it shall return, but until that time the conflict has risen and escalates on Irth.
Beta Screenshots:
Irth Online (Currently Closed Beta)
this game sucks.. first of all, took forever to get the beta key
the game DL takes forever
actually never got into the game, it kept wanting to update patches for like hours
so i cant say the game sucks, since I never got to play...
the game DL takes forever
actually never got into the game, it kept wanting to update patches for like hours
so i cant say the game sucks, since I never got to play...
Never give up
Never follow
Never think great is good enough
Nitengal--Rebirth Archer
Never follow
Never think great is good enough
Nitengal--Rebirth Archer
well, i didn't have troubles at all, i downloaded the game wich took like a minute or so, then started updating at night while i was sleeping. I got into the game but i wasn't really up for it at that time, so i just ran around a bit and logged off. I liked the crafting system and skills system from what i've read about it. To me, this game smells alot like UO, but i can't tell for sure cause i've only played five mins or so :p
~reality is just an illusion caused by a lack of alcohol~