DO Online

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Death Scythe
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DO Online

Post by Death Scythe »

After searching aimlessly for free MMORPGS I came across this. I think it resembles soma and lineage, has skills and what not, can craft, can upgrade, every time you level up you've got some sort of new equipment to buy. The quests are quite basic but fun enough.

The only downside is that at level 12 when you can actually decide what class your going and what weapon to difine your abilitys with, there seems to be something (perhaps a bug) where the attack speed slows down for the weapon you wish to choose.... BUT I've come up with a solution for this.

Simply have a secondary weapon ;p, what I do is use my Claws (my skills weapon as such) and use my double cut skill, then I switch to dagger with the fast speed (slightly lower attack cause I've no skills for it) and just pummel away at the enemy. It gives variation cause your doing multiple things instead of clicking.

The thing that I personally feel ruins lineage 2 is the fact you can't really use your skills that much in MvP situations. In DO you can constantly use skills (well theres time before you can resuse the skill) but theres points (Like soma ;D). Plus it's 3D and I think uses a similar engine to L2. That is why I say this game reminds me of both soma and lineage.

Anyways try it out:

If you do give me a whisper at - Meo

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Post by Psychoman »

Backaway from do online, most pathetic game ive plaid in a while tbh
pyschoman lvl 44 human
Moommin lvl 60 devil
WhiteHero lvl 61 firewizard
sharpz lvl 52 archer
Airflo "archer"

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