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Earth and beyond

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2002 7:08 pm
by Shalaam
Citizens of Britannia™, take your love of fantasy and adventure to the outer reaches of the galaxy! We want feedback from the most experienced online community on our new game developed by Westwood Studios™. Be automatically included in the beta and don't forget to look for the new Ultima Online™: Age of Shadows™ expansion pack coming in February with more great stuff than any other Ultima Online expansion pack ever.

It's your turn to embrace your destiny in this epic RPG saga of humanity's struggle to colonize the stars.

Customize and advance your avatar pilot and starships as you explore, trade, and fight in an online galaxy that evolves through your actions and those of your allies and enemies.

Your starship. Your galaxy. How far will you go?™ ... index.html

earth and beyond

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2002 5:59 pm
by Ryoko
ive been accepted too join the beta test of this and fave finally finished downloading the client (its 1.3gb YES GB NOT MB) which took 4 hours at 2.mb per sec adsl :/ anyway im installing it as i write this so i will let u know what its like :))

p.s. anyone else who is gonna play it or is playing it my char will be ryoko again :lol: :lol:

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2002 8:19 pm
by Ryoko
ok been playing this game for 1 hour and guess what ITS FUKING BRILLIANT ^_^

my char name is sassami and my ship is called ryo-oki so if u wanna say hi please do :)

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2002 11:26 pm
by Shalaam
like you already guessed, i've been accepted too, but i don't bother to play it right now, well cya next party ;-)

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2002 12:15 pm
by Ryoko
well i deleted the game off my pc when i found out how much they were gonna charge for it ($45 for 2 months) sod that hehe

Love ya
