What does this mean?
All the mods that were instal are gone. But 99% of you didn't use them anyway, so I think you can live.
The server is more secure. The forums are no longer running a 2 year old system.
New user registration uses CAPTCHA = less spam bots. This means registration is open again for the few people who might come here.
New forums = new features. I have yet to play with the new phpBB version, but I'm sure you can find some new additional, much needed, features.
There may be problems. If you find anything that doesn't work, post it here or notify me so I can fix it.
The forum uses the default skin. If you have a sexy phpBB3 skin in mind, point me to it and I will install it.
If you have feedback or comments leave them below.
The forums are updated to phpBB3 beta
Re: The forums are updated to phpBB3 beta
Nice job tyvm Lhurg
Never give up
Never follow
Never think great is good enough
Nitengal--Rebirth Archer
Never follow
Never think great is good enough
Nitengal--Rebirth Archer
Re: The forums are updated to phpBB3 beta
cheers lhurg. (: